Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How to Initiate A Workshop Post Certification

I have had a question about how I initiated my first workshop after I become certified and I wanted to open this subject up to all of you.

Can I have as many people as possible to throw out their experiences and feedback on what worked best in going forward using your skills as a trainer and opening up the doors to present more workshops.

This may have been within your working environment or outside of work.

The opportunity opened for me, by going to the leadership team where I work and presenting them with the idea of giving more workshops within our homes. I have continued to follow up with this every few months with new staffing and have been able to present all 3 workshops within my place of work. I have also been able to have a workshop for family members to bring awareness and skills into this avenue.

So far I have had amazing feedback and I am looking forward to hearing all or your experiences.

Please share your ideas on how you have been successful to continue with your workshops.
Thanks everyone!


  1. Who will be the first to share at least one idea/or success story?

  2. I too, have begun offering all three workshops at our long term care facility in Vancouver. I began by first practicing with our Management Team and have now I started by training the care-aides & housekeepers in our Dementia Unit. There are a lot of staff members and I am fine-tuning each in-service as we go along. The response has been overwhelmingly positive!! The laughter and the ah-ha moments are infectious & I feel so grateful to be able to present this approach for our staff. One question I have is this: is there an evaluation form that includes all 3 workshops?

    1. I have created this "3 in 1" feedback form for LaRee, if anyone else is interested please let me know and I can send it to you.

    2. I would love to have a copy of this Liz!

    3. Melissa, I have emailed you the feedback forms, hope they come in handy for your workshops.

    4. Melissa, I have emailed you the feedback forms, hope they come in handy for your workshops.

    5. Liz, sorry, just now catching up with the blog! I'd love to have that feedback form if possible. Thanks!

    6. AJ can you send me an email at and I will email you the forms.
      Thank you for your interest.

  3. I started by setting up practice classes with my co-workers, friends and family members as guinea pigs. After a couple of those in 2014 I decided to have all of our quarterly care home all staff trainings be PAC topics (previously had been general business meetings with a small amount of training content). This allowed me to teach about 20 1-hour sessions per quarter with staff. The shorter time frame helped me learn to focus the information better -- less is more sometimes! Each quarter's topic helped me prepare for a different 2 hour public PAC class. I set once a month dates to have public classes and that forced me to keep at it. It has been a continuous learning experience. I thing I learned is that even though I have a long way to go in becoming a really skilled in the adult experiential learning cycle, I still had a lot of AH-HA moments in the classes and got a lot of positive feedback from everyone. It is OK that I am still learning as I go and I am grateful for all my guinea pigs over the past year :-)

    1. Thanks for sharing Dorothy, what a great way to take "baby steps" toward the bigger goal. Isn't it refreshing when we see how even just a small amount of information can become so enriching and filled with opportunity to work with your learners for them to really have those "take aways". As we grow as trainers I feel the more we realize we still have so much to learn and so many opportunities to grow. What a refreshing experience this is to keep learning!

  4. Anyone else willing to share their experiences? We have some new trainers who have joined, will you step out and share with us your thoughts and ideas?

    1. I am grateful that I was able to present my first workshop to my co-workers. We are a caregiving cooperative and are member/owners of our business. I was a little nervous about presenting information to caregivers who had worked with dementia more than I but this new information was appreciated so much. I was able to give 3 of the same presentations at our staff meeting and learned myself and increased my enthusiasm when it was so positively accepted. I also gave a presentation to family/friends and they were so happy to be able to hear this information.

  5. Anyone else willing to share their experiences? We have some new trainers who have joined, will you step out and share with us your thoughts and ideas?
