Wednesday, November 18, 2015

5 Minutes a Day

I am blessed to have the opportunity to practice my PAC skills on a daily basis.

Working with many people who are living with dementia has been such an amazing experience. Any chance I get to use my skills will only benefit me and the people I work with.

What has been happening for you? Are you noticing your skills improving?

Is anyone finding it hard to remember to practice their skills?

Why do you think it is important to keep practicing our PAC skills?

What are some ideas that would help you to remember or set a time to practice?

How will you change and prioritize for 5 mins. in your day?

Here are some ideas to help you remember to practice your skills daily.

1. Set yourself a reminder in your phone for 5mins. before you start work, so that this reminder is one of the last thing you see before you start your work day.

2. Arrive early for work and practice your 5mins. before you start your day.

3. Set a reminder later in the day, as to remind you if you haven't had a chance in your busy schedule to get your 5 mins. in.

4. Take 5 mins. of your lunch break to interact with someone and practice your skills.

5. Make your 5 mins. a routine, so that you do them the same time everyday.

6. Take 5 mins. before you leave work.

How are you practicing your skills daily? (Please share in the comments section)

Don't forget, pets and family count too. They can be great supportive partners to help you on your PAC journey to becoming Dementia Competent.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Food for Thought, really!

How Memory Works, and the Surprising Implications of Impaired Memory Function.

As we teach our workshops and help others with their positive approach, what is our positive approach to prevention?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How to Initiate A Workshop Post Certification

I have had a question about how I initiated my first workshop after I become certified and I wanted to open this subject up to all of you.

Can I have as many people as possible to throw out their experiences and feedback on what worked best in going forward using your skills as a trainer and opening up the doors to present more workshops.

This may have been within your working environment or outside of work.

The opportunity opened for me, by going to the leadership team where I work and presenting them with the idea of giving more workshops within our homes. I have continued to follow up with this every few months with new staffing and have been able to present all 3 workshops within my place of work. I have also been able to have a workshop for family members to bring awareness and skills into this avenue.

So far I have had amazing feedback and I am looking forward to hearing all or your experiences.

Please share your ideas on how you have been successful to continue with your workshops.
Thanks everyone!